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How can we improve dental color-matching in digital restorations?

Avinent Implant System

How can we improve dental color-matching in digital restorations?

TRIOS®provides automatic color-matching as we scan the patient. This allows the dentist to scan the color of the target section and transmit the information to the laboratory with the digital impression. Digital color scanning again improves the dentist’s daily practice by facilitating more precise, effective, and rapid work flow.

Using this technology, the dentist and the laboratory work with the same solid base without any loss of information, thus ensuring an optimal cosmetic result. The procedure eliminates errors that may occur with traditional color-matching techniques.

Using the example of a single anterior implant, in which the cosmetic requirements are important, we can see the functional results of this tool. In the initial photograph of the case fig.1 there is some variation in color between the real teeth and the provisional tooth.

Fig1 – Initial State

Once the color is scanned with Shade Measurement Technology Fig.2 and sent to the laboratory, we can see the photograph of the piece Fig.3 and the final restoration on the 3D printed model Fig.4 prior to placing the crown in the mouth.

Fig2 – Obtaining an impression with TRIOS® Shade measurement

Fig3 – Final piece

Fig4 – Final restoration on a 3D printed model

The final result Fig.5 shows a definite improvement in the case result. Comparison of the initial and final images, we can see how accurately the TRIOS® scanner matches the natural color of the teeth. The use of high quality cosmetic material and perfect design in the case described yields extraordinary cosmetic results for a restoration of this type.

Fig5 – Final result

This is another example of the potential of digital dentistry. All these tools are used to improve the treatment of the patient and ensure excellent cosmetic results. Taking digital impressions allows us to perform restorations that are faithful to the aesthetics and natural smile of our patients.