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Guided Surgery: ease for professionals, smiles for patients

Avinent Implant System

Guided Surgery: ease for professionals, smiles for patients

I’ve worked all my life in a way that functions for me, so why should I change now?

Many professionals may think like this when you suggest that they change their work techniques (even if this implies improvements). We can well imagine that this is also the case in the field of dentistry, for example when people discuss guided surgery. This is one of the reasons that has led AVINENT Implant System to conduct various workshops throughout the country, in order to share its digital flow system and extensive range of products with industry professionals. All in a direct and accessible manner, explaining its systems in great detail and resolving any doubts.

Seville was recently the location of one of these workshops, in which AVINENT’s guided surgery system for implants was presented. One notable speaker was Dr. Francisco Acedo, who has been working with this system for more than a year. In his talk, he presented various cases in which he has performed guided surgery, then highlighted some of the reasons that led him to use it: «Two of its greatest benefits are reliability, both when positioning and restoring implants, and the security it provides to be able to use immediate loading and complete a successful restoration».

The same view was expressed by Dr. José Antonio López, who affirmed: «Using guided surgery in some complicated cases greatly reduces risk, given that it is becoming increasingly more perfect». A view confirmed by Dr. Salvador Gallardo, who attended the workshop and described one of the greatest benefits of guided surgery: «It helps you to complete what has been previously planned on the computer and provides you with the certainty that you will position the implant in the right place».

This planning is intimately tied to later accuracy and reliability and is an aspect highlighted by professionals when comparing guided and traditional surgery. As Dr. Jesús Romero explains: «With the traditional system, you first position the implant and then consider the prosthesis, which may lead you to some unpleasant surprises. With the guided surgery system, however, you first design the prosthesis and use it as a basis to position the implant. This pre-planning is a key to ensuring success».

«You perform a preliminary study at both bone and soft tissue levels, and also at a prosthetic level», Dr. Acedo begins to explain in reference to how guided surgery works.«But this is impossible in traditional surgery, which makes it much more difficult, because no matter how hard you try, there are always minor variations». In this sense, the doctor explains that the AVINENT system «acts like a guide leading you to the exact place where you have planned to position the implants».

These are some of the reasons why doctors opt for the AVINENT guided surgery system, but they are not the only ones. Dr. Bruno Muriana, who has already used the system «in seven different cases, one including seven implants, in which the experiences were all very positive», analyzed the ease offered by the company’s software and instrumentation. «Most companies oblige you to buy their software, but not AVINENT, because you simply work with them via remote control. And this is very good indeed». He adds: «By doing it the other way, you purchase a system that you may or may not like, but here you can try it out and if you don’t like it you can stop using it and have not lost any money».

Dr. Acedo continues in the same vein, extolling this performance and guaranteeing that «you can hire everything from AVINENT: the software, surgical boxes… everything is sent to you pre-planned». And he points to what he believes is the key: «Not everyone performs guided surgery daily, but in those particular cases where it is the best solution, AVINENT allows you to use the technique at a very affordable price. This is a major benefit».

AVINENT’s philosophy is to help all professionals to conduct their work successfully, with patient satisfaction its ultimate goal. «Its commitment to accommodating customers is very attractive», Dr. Gallardo explains. «They provide you with the software and help you to make planning decisions, thereby making highly advanced technology more accessible to everyone». To sum up, let us return to Dr. Muriana: «AVINENT is very good at innovation».

Dr. Francisco Acedo holds a Degree in Dentistry, a Master’s Specializing in Periodontics, Surgery and Implants and is owner of the Acedo & Martín Dental Clinic.
Dr. Bruno Muriana holds a Degree in Dentistry, a Diploma in Implantology and is owner of the Sevilla Dental Clinic.
Dr. Jesús Romero holds a Degree in Dentistry, a Master’s in Implantology and is a surgeon at Dental Company.
Dr. José Antonio López holds a Degree in Dentistry, a Master’s in Implant Surgery and is owner of the Biodens Clinic.
Dr. Salvador Gallardo holds a Degree in Dentistry, is Associate Professor in the Department of Stomatology and Professor of post-graduate courses at the University of Seville and owner of the Gallardo Dental Clinic.